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In September 2020, the Blue Ridge School affirmed that 多样性、公平、包容和正义 (DEI&J)是学校使命不可或缺的一部分. 董事会成立了DEI&J专责小组, 由两名董事会成员组成, 四名教员和三名校友. 特别工作组的成立具有广泛的意图,即改善学校的努力,创建一个DEI社区&J is not just acknowledged, but to which it is also continually committed. 该工作组致力于制定一项战略计划,概述学院应采取的方法,以实现更高水平的DEI&J贯穿所有程序.

Our statement of Diversity, equity, inclusion and justice

美高梅官方网是一所全男生寄宿学校,学生们在一个有意多元化的教师社区中茁壮成长, 工作人员, 和学生. Employees 和学生 alike benefit from the experience of learning, 生活, teaching and working alongside others from a multitude of backgrounds. 同时仍然是一所男生寄宿学校, diversity at Blue Ridge encompasses an array of ethnicities and races, 家庭结构, 社会经济背景, 性别, 年龄, 性取向, 能力, 原产国, 母语, 传统, 宗教, learning styles and differences and their intersections.

成为一个包容的社区意味着我们尊重和拥抱每个人的价值观,并理解这些价值观的影响. 我们认识到,仅仅存在于一个多元化的社区中,不会自动产生我们寻求创造的包容性文化. 文化参与使学生和教师能够考虑不同的观点,丰富了教学和学习经验. Cultural engagement also drives innovation and fosters creativity. 因此, we purposefully promote inclusion across all of our programs, 培养一种支持, 鼓励, and affirming environment that celebrates individuality. We seek to help our students become capable and engaged citizens. 


最终, we endeavor to impart the fundamental truth that every person is valuable and worthy of respect.

第一年(2021)目标:通过SWOT分析对学校生活的五个主要领域进行回顾/调查,目标是回答几个重要问题. 这些审查领域包括: 

学校管治 - BOT成员的子小组, 会否检讨学校管治的各方面,以确保学校的管治机构及其所制订的政策,能支持学校在DEI方面的发展&J.

美高梅官方网的董事会如何吸引历史上代表性不足的背景的成员? What challenges exist that have limited efforts to make Board diversity a reality?
• What is the Board’s role in leading institutional DEI&我的努力?

课程 – a sub-group of 教师 will assess the current classes offered, materials  and curriculum for existing or lacking areas of DEI&J 

•学生是否会遇到各种各样的声音, 文化, 视角, 历史, and backgrounds throughout Blue Ridge School’s curriculum? How can the curriculum meaningfully incorporate and celebrate these additional 视角?
• What training and resources do BRS 教师 need to be effective teachers of all boys?

招聘 & 保留 – a sub-group will examine the practices regarding students’ admissions processes, 学校的负担能力, 财政援助分配, 以及改进留存过程的方法 

• What metrics/data points should Blue Ridge School use to define or benchmark student body diversity?
• Do our current engagement tactics fit with the goals of creating a diverse student body?
• What mess年龄 do our enrollment communications send about diversity at Blue Ridge School?
• Are Blue Ridge School’s financial aid practices equitable?

学生生活经历 -该小组将检查物理结构, 宿舍的装饰和陈设, 学校的“家”的感觉, 支持系统的可用性, 以及公平参与学校项目的机会   

•我们目前是否有足够的教师和资源来创造一个男孩友好的环境,包括DEI的各个方面&J? If not, what resources do we need for this to be accomplished?

教师生活经历 – another sub-group will conduct an  inquiry into 教师  Acquisition, 学院保留, 教员培训/激励/支持.

•我们的社区目前是否反映了我们的学生人数,或准确反映了我们预期的多元化招聘策略? 每个学生都有一面镜子吗? 如果不是,我们如何确保这种情况发生?
•在竞争激烈的市场中,我们的社区是否反映出与其他学校类似的多样性水平?  What does our 教师 look like compared to others in the market? 是否存在基于人口统计的不平等?
• Where are we lacking with regards to 教师 retention/diversity? Are there areas of our program where 教师 retention is at its weakest? I.e development, advancement, admissions, certain academic departments, etc.
•我们目前的招聘做法是否存在偏见? 排他性的工作描述, filtering for prestigious colleges or other elite boarding schools, do we use panels that are not reflective of a diverse organization?
• What do our current policies and procedures look like regarding DEI&J? 我们目前如何处理与DEI相关的问题&J? (For example: An employee shares that another employee made a sexist comment). 如何处理这些问题?

Additional Action Items for Data Collection and Constituency Communication.

•通过学生收集全校范围的数据, 教师, and alumni complete the NAIS Survey of Inclusion and Multiculturalism
• Determine the best means of communicating BRS’s DEI&我为学校的支持者所做的努力


• Continuation of the 教师 DEIJ book group which is now on its third book. This group is open to all 教师 and 工作人员 and is led by Amber Wilkins
• The employment of an intern who will officially start in the Fall of 2021. This person will serve as an outside voice and guide as well as learn the process of developing a DEI&J程序从头开始
• Continue to use outside speakers throughout the spring of 2021. This will be geared towards both 教师 and 工作人员 development and Saturday Programming for the  students

继续支持现有的和尚未形成的学生团体,以支持学生的多样性和理解.  These will include (Affinity) groups that are limited in nature whether that is by race, 种族, 性偏好等. 以及(多样性)小组,这些小组旨在提供一个开放讨论的环境,让学生可以分享他们的声音, 被赞美和重视, 也可以互相学习.

在第二年,工作队将通过进行深入评估来分析从审查过程中获得的资料,以确定需要进行的近期和长期变革, and the best means to enhance the long-term commitment to DEI&J.  At present, established goals and priorities for year two will be:

Implementation Goals for Year 2: Analyze the information obtained from the review process. 工作小组将进行深入评估,以确定可能需要的即时和长期改变,以及加强对DEI的长期承诺的最佳方法&J.   

•审查团队男爵手册和学生家长手册,以彻底审查我们的政策和做法是否符合NAIS的最佳做法. 审查将包括增加与报告种族歧视有关的明确政策和美高梅官方网包容性的正式声明.

a. 使用收集到的数据通知DEI&J planning (school wide demographics, cultural climate surveys, retention and recruitment reports)
b. 将DEI制度化和整合&我的努力 into recruitment practices for 教师/工作人员 by diversifying hiring committees, 进行遴选委员会培训, 澄清聘用准则
c. DEI集成&我的努力 into professional development and expectations among all 教师 and through all programs
d. Attendance at key conferences to identify support and resources
e. Consider the creation of a 教师 position on par with the Dean of Students to lead the DEI&J程序
f. 决定如何以及谁将负责实施计划(培训/活动/对话/政策和程序的审查)?

第三年(2023年)目标:申请DEI&J架构到所有学校运作. 当分析和评估结束,工作队建议应执行的倡议时, we will move forward with the framework and further implementation of our DEI&我的目标.  

•目标的确定:DEI如何&J school can aid in achieving outcomes for student growth
• Procurement of a sustained 教师 that mirrors the diversity of the student body
• Implementation of the long term initiatives that will change policies/practices, 雇用员工, 教师培训, 学术变化(针对学生)
• Communication of the initiatives to the BRS community
•衡量和传播成果. 每2年继续进行SWOT分析
•审查 & 调整


Amber Wilkins,教员
Darryl Smith, BRS校友
Ryan Smith, BRS校友